Uit het nieuwsarchief van Gastatelier de Vindplaats:

Zomervakantie 26-30 augustus 2024
Hoe schrijf je eigenlijk doei?

Feestelijk kringloopdagen in Gastatelier op 15 en 18 mei 2024:

Update: call is closed!
Je kunt NU een voorstel doen voor een werkperiode van 3 maanden (of langer) in een atelier dat je deelt met de kinderen van Kindcentrum de Vindplaats.
Klik hier voor de volledige tekst van de open call
#sociallyengagedart , #kunstenaardocent, #artisticconnectivepractice, #buurtkunstenaar #artisticcollective #radicalpedagogies #creativecommons #engagedpedagogy #embeddedartist . .

Invitation to Pop-up installation, created by Kamila Wolszczak and Co-makers from Kindcentrum de Vindplaats.
On December 16, from 15:00 to 19:00, please visit Gastatelier de Vindplaats, where you will find an installation by our artist-in-residence Kamila Wolszczak.
Dear friends, colleagues and guests,
During the three months residency on site, I had a chance to get to know young makers and develop my artistic research through their perspective. The project 'Found Voices of Matter' has been transformed into a site specific installation, which you can see during the presentation.
Together with the children from the school we created tactile forms with clay, found treasures and our imagination. We were wondering, what if…
We walked, gathered, imagined, wrote and made a series of hybrid sculptures combined with vivid found matter in our surroundings.
The final body of work is empowered by relationships, diversity, and creativity blooming into a multi-layered landscape of possibilities between human hands and abandoned but revealed other-than-human bodies.
Kamila and Other Matter
During the opening, you are welcome from 15:00h, the program starts at 17:00h and includes:
- introduction of Gastatelier by Marike Hoekstra (artistic director of Gastatelier and De Resident Foundation)
- presentation of the installation co-created with young creators, by Kamila Wolszczak
- Q&A with Kamila Wolszczak, Marike Hoekstra and guests
- chats and stories about experiences in the studio & open bar
address: Gastatelier de Vindplaats, Jan den Haenstraat 41, Amsterdam
We hope to see some of you there!
Kamila & Marike & Naomi